Friday, September 6, 2013


Last weekend was our family's first visit to silverwood.

For the years past we have not had the ability to enjoy the thrills of scareing ourselves to death on various rides. sad .

But...OMG to hear a boy who is all of a man scream like a little girl is worth a way higher ticket price!!!
This one ride goes almost 200ft on the poles and 65 miles per hour. Granted it is a rather short ride due to the speed....but...i don't know of many people who would want to go on much of a longer ride. You wait usually near an hour to get on this ride. A coaster of sorts. All the while watching the ride going over and over. Hearing the people screaming over and over. Both women and men. the Younger ones were the less likely to scream ... you had to be 48" to even think of going on this ride.

Within the first 15 min there was a call of vomit. Yay...didn't think about that possibility. Let me tell you why vomit would not be matter where you sat.
This AWESOME ride starts with you getting strapped in...i mean strapped in...there is not any possibility of movement...if you wish they will tighten the harnesses till even the movement of breathing itself isn't going to happen... As this is going on for like a century, for over god knows how many seats, they are telling you of the repairs that were done and the "screw" they never found a home for. Apparently this is a scribed story as it is repeated every now and then when they know they have newbies on board. There you are then waiting...then a creep, backwards, facing the earth,  up a pole...for what seems like forever. You then stop. You almost catch your breath when you don't even get the chance to regret this idea. The seats move. Ahh the seats, forgot that part. These are sit in seats. Your feet are hanging. Your arms are free...if they weren't super glued to the braces cuz you really think that helps. Whoosh your fast you don't have a clue whats going on or where your going, into a loop round and round and up another pole. Now facing up...nice and slow...never knowing just when you are going to hit the top. When all of a sudden do it all over again ...but this time you cant even see where it is you are flying to. Up and round and round and back to the first pole once more. Knowing from watching for an hour this is it. It's finally over. You are not sure if you will be able to move. Not sure if you want to laugh scream or cry...or maybe you all ready have...not sure. That was fast. It seemed like it was never gonna end. Tho it was like a minute long. You wait. You unbuckle. You remember you have feet....yes they are still there. All most forgot them.
That was horrible. That was fast. That was absolutely the most amazing ride!!!! and Now you become addicted!
So... if you sit in the front, middle or back of the seats. There is no possible way to avoid getting puke on you. All you can do is hope 1. the ride is moving and the puke flies away...maybe on some unsuspecting spectator...LOL or 2. the ride is done and the puke just goes down.

The panic plunge,. is similar but you just go up and drop...the cool thing about it is you have no clue when its going to drop. It just happens.

My absolutely favorite ride has to be the spin cycle.
 It is like the parking lot carnival ride kamikazi....but MUCH taller and it spins while your going round and round. LOVE IT!!!
There is also a water park...not far diff from most water parks. It did have a family raft ride that was Awesome! It is a 4-6 person raft. in a HUGE hole....enclosed. all there is is tiny green lights...which do no good ... as you go down hundreds of feet twisting and going up sides and turning and dropping....SWEETNESS AND WETNESS! 

there was old favorites like thunder canyon which is a 8 person "white water" raft ride...low key but fun! I got to sit it out with chris and let ralph go. There wasn't many rides he could safely go on. So ... i hunted down a quarter, watched and waited. There is a place where, with your little quarter, you get to spray unsuspecting raft riders... BEST QUARTER I HAVE EVER SPENT! Some of the funnest part is watching the people who know about it begging you not to spray them. 

Chris and i hit the carnival games as ralph and koda went on bumper cars and victor and britt went on the Avalanche. He got a stuffed crayon for picking a duck out of a pond. But i am most proud of his throwing skills. There is a table with holes. some colored, some not. You have to throw a wiffle ball to the table and land on one of the colored circles to win. Chris stood up on the ledge. Took 4 throws to reach the table, but when he did...his first try goton a colored circle. He chose a stuffed car. :)

I didn't goon as many rides as i expected to. I got drawn into enjoying my family having one of the best days of their lives. I am hoping to have many more before they leave me...............

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